We are Vincentians! Thanks to the charism of the Daughters of Charity, we study and reflect on the lives of our Vincentian founders: Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louis de Marillac, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Blessed Frederic Ozanam and Sr. Rosalie Rendu, for inspiration and guidance as we ask our blessed Mother Mary to pray for us in our journey with our Lord Jesus in search of God’s Kingdom. Our faculty and staff work together with our students and their families to form a strong community in which prayer and service is at the center. We start every morning with prayer, singing canticles and worship songs, reading Scripture and reflecting on it, and presenting our community intentions to the Lord our God.
Once in the classroom, teachers and their students have conversations in which socio-emotional support develops through liturgical and modern events themes, reflection and activities, culminating in a particular form of prayer: praise, thanksgiving, petition, repentance, etc.
As students engage in learning, they are taught and practice self-discipline skills (Discipline with Purpose link ) as they work individually, with partners, in small groups or as a whole class.
To prepare for lunch, students pray as a class and express thankfulness for the meal they are about to receive and for the people who, throughout the world, will go without a meal. The day is closed with prayer in every classroom, giving thanks for all the blessings received and looking forward to the next day.
Our weekly school Masses are held on Wednesday mornings and allow our school community to celebrate the liturgical year, to acknowledge and remember the Saints and Blessed along with civic and everyday heroes who model leadership and compassion with their words and actions.
Sacramental preparation takes place within our Religion curriculum for our students and it extends to their parents and godparents. We lead four adult sessions in which they have the opportunity to reflect on their journey of faith and their important leadership in the faith life of their children. In 2nd grade our students prepare and celebrate their First Reconciliation and their First Eucharist, and in 8th grade the students prepare and celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation.