Student Handbook & Uniform
Students and parents will find detailed information about our history, mission, values, and policies here.
Student-Parent Handbook
Students and parents will find detailed information on our school uniform here. Uniform Guidelines
In addition to that, we have general guidelines for students below:
Students are allowed to wear a watch, one appropriate ring, and a medical ID bracelet. Loop or hoop-type earrings are not allowed. Girls may wear one stud earring in each ear. These are post type earrings that do not hang below the ear lobe. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.
Make-up of any kind is not allowed at school. Students are not to wear nail polish, false fingernails or lip gloss (clear chapstick only).
Hair should be neatly styled. Hair is to be its natural color; it may not be lightened, dyed or streaked with color. Boys’ hair is to be to the neck line, no longer then mid-ear and not over the eyebrow and it should not be spiked. Girls’ hair is to be neat and not over the eyebrows.
Non-uniform Dress is a privilege granted by the principal to students who are in good standing. Dress is to be appropriate for school.
Boys Dress: slacks, shorts, or jeans and shirts designed for sportswear. Writing or designs on shirts must be in good taste. Faded or torn jeans are not permitted; baggy, skinny or tight clothing of any kind is not allowed; neither are tank tops, open toe shoes or pajama pants.
Girls Dress: skirt and blouse or sweater; dress slacks, shorts, jeans and dress top, sweater, or jumpsuit. Writing or designs on shirts must be in good taste. Leggings by themselves may not be worn as pants. Faded or torn jeans, baggy, skinny or tight clothing of any kind is not allowed; pajama pants, miniskirts, short-shorts, open toe/platform shoes, tank tops, tube tops, halter tops, low cut/revealing tops or bare midriffs are not permitted.
The school reserves the right to send home any student who comes to school inappropriately dressed. New uniforms may be purchased at Merry Mart, 33 Washington Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050, (408) 296-0423. You may also order online at:
Student Council
The Student Council is a group of class representatives and junior high students that sponsor activities for the student body of Saint Patrick’s. The Student Council helps to bring spirit to the school. Members of the Student Council are elected at the beginning of the school year.
Getting involved with the Student Council allows students to have a say in what activities and events are planned during the school year. Council members are elected yearly by their classmates and become respected leaders in our school.
Our Council is comprised of the following members:
Vice President
Community Service Commissioner
Religious Commissioner
Spirit Commissioner
Through these activities and more, members of the Council gain valuable experience in student government and become more responsible, active members of the school and local community.

Vincentian Marian Youth
Vincentian Marian Youth or “VMY” is an international association that began in 1830 when the Blessed Mother appeared to Catherine Labouré with special requests. Mary asked that young people be organized in her name and that “graces would be bestowed upon them.” Today, this group spans the globe in 65 countries with over 110,000 members.
At Saint Patrick, our group is comprised of 40 students from 4th – 8th grade that want to energize their faith, grow closer to Mary, each other, and the poor. Several of our teachers and a long-time volunteer lead the students and help with this goal in mind. This after-school club allows our students to embrace and connect with the broader community while making a real contribution.